
Projects in Pictures

PifPaf: Composite Fields for Human Pose Estimation (CVPR2019)

OpenPifPaf example

Crowd-Robot Interaction: Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICRA2019)

OpenPifPaf example

Databench: an interactive real-time data analysis tool


pysparkling: a pure Python implementation of Apache Spark interfaces

pysparkling performance pysparkling performance with hyperthreading

Discovery of the Higgs Boson in the New York Times

Science Times section front page Chasing the Higgs, my part

That "joyful expletive" was "Holly shit" (not correcting the typo) sent from his phone. Read the full story on the New York Times website from March 5, 2013. All the scientific details are in my PhD thesis.

MorphDemo: an interactive demo of a morphing algorithm

kd-tree morph

UnicodeIt: convert LaTeX commands to Unicode

Walking Robots: I made them

Number 3 and Number 4 robots OpenGL control software Number 4 robot

OpenOsci: my open source oscilloscope

Two channels on oscilloscope Oscilloscope curcuit board Two channels on oscilloscope

VideoSchalter: I built a device

VideoSchalter angle VideoSchalter front VideoSchalter back

Data Science

  • Databench: Interactive data analysis and visualization tool.
  • RooStats: Statistics tools used at CERN to which I contributed core classes.
  • MorphDemo: Demo of a new horizontal morphing algorithm.


  • Decouple: Tool to factorize theory uncertainties.
  • unicodeit: Convert latex expressions to unicode characters: \mathcal{H} → ℋ.
  • politicalMoneyTracker: Project for the Bicoastal Datafest 2013 at Columbia and Stanford University.


  • html5validator: Command line tool to test the validity of static HTML5 files.
  • OpenOsci: Open source and open hardware oscilloscope.
  • number4: My walking robot.
  • nmea-gpsd: The part of gpsd that reads the nmea stream.
  • VideoSchalter: Commercial device for switching video signals, processing audio and to collect data (GPS, acceleration) in Rallye cars.