display.c File Reference

#include "display.h"
#include "avr/pgmspace.h"


#define BkColor   BLACK
#define FgColor   YELLOW
#define ShColor   BLUE
#define SPACELEFT   6
#define DISP_PROP_W   33
#define GR_W   20
#define GR_H   20
#define GR_WW   128
#define GR_HH   144
#define GR_X   2
#define GR_Y   15
#define INFO_X   GR_X+GR_WW-55
#define INFO_Y   GR_Y+GR_HH-25


void disp_init (void)
 initialises display
void disp_off (void)
 switches the display off
void disp_refresh (void)
 refreshes the display
void disp_menu (void)
 displays the menu
void disp_prop (void)
 displays the properties
void disp_clean (void)
 clean the display
void disp_debugging (void)
 displays a debugging screen
void disp_terminal (void)
 displays a terminal
void disp_graph (void)
 displays the osci graph
void disp_drawGrid (volatile uint8_t toDraw[], uint8_t xaxis, uint8_t yaxis)
 draws the grid and the data in the argument


volatile uint8_t min [4] = {255,255,255,255}
volatile uint8_t max [4] = {0,0,0,0}
volatile uint8_t mid [4] = {0,0,0,0}
volatile double freq [4] = {0,0,0,0}

Define Documentation

#define BkColor   BLACK

#define DISP_PROP_W   33

#define FgColor   YELLOW

#define GR_H   20

#define GR_HH   144

#define GR_W   20

#define GR_WW   128

#define GR_X   2

#define GR_Y   15

#define INFO_X   GR_X+GR_WW-55

#define INFO_Y   GR_Y+GR_HH-25

#define ShColor   BLUE

#define SPACELEFT   6

Function Documentation

void disp_clean void   ) 

clean the display

00165                      {
00166     glcdSetAddr(0,0, 131, 175);   // set RAM access pointer of display
00167     //glcdSetBkColor(BkColor);
00169     //width and height also defined in header
00170     for(uint8_t x = 0; x < 132; x++){
00171         for(uint8_t y = 0; y < 176; y++){
00172             glcdPutPixel(BkColor);
00173         }
00174     }
00175 }

void disp_debugging void   ) 

displays a debugging screen

00187                           {
00188     glcdSetColors(WHITE,BkColor);
00190     static uint16_t count = 0;
00191     int8_t y = 30;
00192     glcdMoveTo(20,y+=11); printf(" Count: %d    \n",count++);
00193     glcdMoveTo(20,y+=11); printf(" Menue: %d    \n",(uint16_t)ADCSRA);
00194     glcdMoveTo(20,y+=11); printf(" Presc: %d    \n",(uint16_t)(ADCSRA & ADIF));
00195     glcdMoveTo(20,y+=11); printf(" spi_control: %d   \n",SPCR);
00196     glcdMoveTo(20,y+=11); printf(" spi_status: %d   \n",SPSR);
00197 }

void disp_drawGrid volatile uint8_t  toDraw[],
uint8_t  xaxis,
uint8_t  yaxis

draws the grid and the data in the argument

Change from grid to coordinate axes. Origin is the trigger point and zero Volt.
00308                                                                            {
00309     //draw grid
00310     glcdSetColors(ShColor, BkColor);
00312     glcdLine(GR_X+xaxis, GR_Y, GR_X+xaxis, GR_Y+GR_HH); //horizontal
00313     glcdLine(GR_X, GR_Y+yaxis, GR_X+GR_WW, GR_Y+yaxis); //vertical
00315     /* x and y need to be signed, because for small xaxis and yaxis, the start
00316      * can be negative */
00317     for(int16_t x = GR_X+xaxis+GR_W; x <= GR_X+GR_WW; x+=GR_W) glcdLine(x, GR_Y-3+yaxis, x, GR_Y+3+yaxis);
00318     for(int16_t x = GR_X+xaxis-GR_W; x >= GR_X      ; x-=GR_W) glcdLine(x, GR_Y-3+yaxis, x, GR_Y+3+yaxis);
00320     for(int16_t y = GR_Y+yaxis+GR_H; y <= GR_Y+GR_HH; y+=GR_H) glcdLine(GR_X-3+xaxis, y, GR_X+3+xaxis, y);
00321     for(int16_t y = GR_Y+yaxis-GR_H; y >= GR_Y      ; y-=GR_H) glcdLine(GR_X-3+xaxis, y, GR_X+3+xaxis, y);
00324     //replot data
00325     //init
00326     static uint8_t buffer[4][GR_HH];
00327     uint8_t old_coord[4] = {buffer[0][0], buffer[1][0], buffer[2][0], buffer[3][0]};
00328     static uint8_t old_adc_nr_channels = 1;
00329     for(uint8_t ch=0; ch < adc_channels; ch++)
00330         buffer[ch][0] = toDraw[ch] >> 1;
00331     glcdSetBkColor(BkColor);
00332     //start
00333     for(uint8_t y = 1; y < GR_HH; y++){
00334         //erase old lines
00335         glcdSetFgColor(BkColor);
00336         for(uint8_t ch=0; ch < old_adc_nr_channels; ch++){ //old_number!!!
00337             glcdLine(GR_X + old_coord[ch], y-1 + GR_Y, GR_X + buffer[ch][y], y + GR_Y);
00338             old_coord[ch] = buffer[ch][y];
00339             buffer[ch][y] = toDraw[y*adc_channels+ch] >> 1;
00340         }
00341         //draw new lines
00342         for(uint8_t ch=0; ch < adc_channels; ch++){
00343             switch(ch){
00344                 case 0:
00345                     glcdSetFgColor(WHITE);
00346                     break;
00347                 case 1:
00348                     glcdSetFgColor(FgColor);
00349                     break;
00350                 case 2:
00351                     glcdSetFgColor(GREEN);
00352                     break;
00353                 case 3:
00354                     glcdSetFgColor(RED);
00355                     break;
00356             }
00357             glcdLine(GR_X + buffer[ch][y-1], y-1 + GR_Y, GR_X + buffer[ch][y], y + GR_Y);
00358         }
00359     }
00360     old_adc_nr_channels = adc_channels;
00362     //info box
00363     #define INFO_X GR_X+GR_WW-55
00364     #define INFO_Y GR_Y+GR_HH-25
00365     glcdSetColors(FgColor, BkColor);
00366     int y = INFO_Y - 9;
00367     glcdMoveTo(INFO_X+2, y+=11); printf("td:");
00368     glcdMoveTo(INFO_X+2, y+=11); printf("fq:");
00369     y = INFO_Y - 9;
00370     uint32_t time = adc_duration*GR_H;
00371     if(time < 10000){
00372         glcdMoveTo(INFO_X+15, y+=11); printf(" %4dus ",(int16_t)(time));
00373     }else{
00374         glcdMoveTo(INFO_X+15, y+=11); printf(" %4dms ",(int16_t)(time/1000));
00375     }
00376     if(freq[0] < 10000){
00377         glcdMoveTo(INFO_X+15, y+=11); printf(" %4dHz ",(int16_t)(freq[0]));
00378     }else{
00379         glcdMoveTo(INFO_X+15, y+=11); printf(" %3dkHz ",(int16_t)(freq[0]/1000));
00380     }
00381 }

void disp_graph void   ) 

displays the osci graph

00230                       {
00231     if(adc_stopped() == 0) return;
00233     #define GR_W    20  //width of sub ... dash? unterteilung
00234     #define GR_H    20  //height of ???
00235     #define GR_WW   128 //width
00236     #define GR_HH   144 //height
00237     #define GR_X    2   //x-coord: upper-left
00238     #define GR_Y    15  //y-coord: upper-left
00241     //trigger
00242     uint16_t trigger_shift = 72*adc_channels;
00243     uint16_t GR_TRIG_BEFORE = ADC_BUF_SIZE - (GR_HH*adc_channels) + trigger_shift;
00245     int8_t trigger_old = 0;
00246     int8_t trigger_new = 0;
00247     int8_t trigger_highest = 0;
00248     uint16_t offset = 0;
00250     for(uint16_t x = trigger_shift; x < GR_TRIG_BEFORE; x+=adc_channels){
00251         trigger_old = adc[x] >> 1;
00252         trigger_new = adc[x + 3*adc_channels] >> 1;
00253         if((trigger_new-trigger_old) > trigger_highest){
00254             offset = x - trigger_shift;
00255             trigger_highest = trigger_new-trigger_old;
00256         }
00257     }
00259     min[0] = 255; min[1] = 255; min[2] = 255; min[3] = 255;
00260     max[0] = 0; max[1] = 0; max[2] = 0; max[3] = 0; 
00261     mid[0] = 0; mid[1] = 0; mid[2] = 0; mid[3] = 0;
00262     freq[0] = 0; freq[1] = 0; freq[2] = 0; freq[3] = 0; 
00263     for(uint8_t ch = 0; ch < adc_channels; ch++){
00264         for(uint16_t x = ch; x < ADC_BUF_SIZE; x+=adc_channels){
00265             if(adc[x] < min[ch]) min[ch] = adc[x];
00266             if(adc[x] > max[ch]) max[ch] = adc[x];
00267         }
00268     }
00269     for(uint8_t x = 0; x < adc_channels; x++) mid[x] = (max[x]-min[x])/2  + min[x];
00272     for(uint8_t ch = 0; ch < adc_channels; ch++){
00273         uint16_t old_pos = 0;
00274         int8_t under;       //currently under mid? 0 for no, 1 for yes
00275         int8_t old_under;
00276         double period = 0.0;
00278         if(adc[ch] < mid[ch]){ under = 0; old_under = 0; }
00279             else { under = 1; old_under = 1; }
00281         for(uint16_t x = ch; x < ADC_BUF_SIZE; x+=adc_channels){
00282             if(adc[x] > mid[ch]) under = 0;
00283             if(adc[x] < mid[ch]) under = 1;
00285             if(old_under == 1 && under == 0){
00286                 period = (double)(x - old_pos)*adc_duration /adc_channels/ 1000000.0;
00287                 if(old_pos != 0  &&  period != 0.0){
00288                     if(freq[ch] == 0.0) freq[ch] = 1.0 / period;
00289                     else                freq[ch] = 0.8*freq[ch] + 0.2/period;
00290                 }
00291                 old_pos = x;
00292             }
00294             old_under = under;
00295         }
00297     }
00300     //draw in the display
00301     disp_drawGrid(&adc[offset], 64, trigger_shift/adc_channels);
00303     adc_init(1);
00304 }

void disp_init void   ) 

initialises display

Calls the lib's routine to init the display. Displays the splash-screen. Sets the font. Sets the window for text-output.

00026                     {
00027     //**** Hardware ****
00028     #ifndef USE_AUTOINIT
00029         glcdDisplayInit();
00030     #endif
00032     #ifdef DISP_SPLASH
00033         disp_load_bitmap();
00034     #else
00035         disp_clean();
00036     #endif
00038     glcd_Flags.AutoLineFeed = 0;
00039     glcdSelectFont(f8x11, 0); // font is stored in FLASH, thus no need for own read callback
00040     fdevopen(glcdPut,NULL,0);
00042     //window for text-output
00043     glcd_Window.X1 = 5;
00044     glcd_Window.X2 = 110;
00045     glcd_Window.Y1 = 16;
00046     glcd_Window.Y2 = 162;
00047 }

void disp_menu void   ) 

displays the menu

Refreshes the menu bar when the menu has changed.

00075                     {
00076     static int8_t main_old = 0;
00078     //*** left ***
00079     if(menu_now != main_old){
00080         main_old = menu_now;
00081         disp_clean();
00084         glcdFillRect(0,0,132,13,ShColor); //shadow color for menu bg
00085         #define SPACELEFT 6
00086         for(uint8_t x=0; x < MENU_ANZ_MAIN; x++){
00087             if(menu_now == (x+1)){
00088                 glcdFillRect(SPACELEFT+x*40,1, SPACELEFT+(x+1)*40,12, BkColor);
00089                 glcdSetColors(FgColor, BkColor);
00090             }else{
00091                 glcdSetColors(FgColor, ShColor);
00092             }
00093             uint8_t w = glcdCharsWidth(menu_mains[x].name, 0);
00094             glcdMoveTo(SPACELEFT+21+x*40 - w/2, 2);
00095             printf(menu_mains[x].name);
00096         }
00097     }
00098 }

void disp_off void   ) 

switches the display off

The original shutdown sequence for the display is not known. The current workaround is to activate the stand-by for the display.

00051                    {
00052     bk_LED(1);
00053     //for(uint32_t x=0; x < 5000000; x++) asm("nop");
00055     //clean
00056     glcdSetAddr(0,0, 131, 175);   // set RAM access pointer of display
00057     //width and height also defined in header
00058     for(uint8_t x = 0; x < 132; x++){
00059         for(uint8_t y = 0; y < 176; y++){
00060             glcdPutPixel(WHITE);
00061         }
00062     }
00063     for(uint32_t x=0; x < 500000; x++) asm("nop");
00064     glcdDisplayOff();
00065     glcdWait(100);
00066 }

void disp_prop void   ) 

displays the properties

Refreshes the property bar if the menu, the property or the value of the property has changed.

00102                     {
00103     static int8_t main_old = 0;
00104     static int8_t prop_old = 0;
00105     static int8_t value_old = 0;
00107     if( menu_now != main_old ||
00108         MENU_CURRENT_PROP_NR != prop_old ||
00109         MENU_PROP_NOW.current_value != value_old){
00111         main_old = menu_now;
00112         prop_old = MENU_CURRENT_PROP_NR;
00113         value_old = MENU_PROP_NOW.current_value;
00115         #define DISP_PROP_W 33
00116         glcdFillRect(0, 162, 132, 176, ShColor);
00117         for(uint8_t x=0; x < 3; x++){
00118             if(x == 1){
00119                 glcdFillRect(SPACELEFT+x*DISP_PROP_W,163, SPACELEFT+(x+1)*DISP_PROP_W,174, BkColor);
00120                 glcdSetColors(FgColor, BkColor);
00121             }else{
00122                 glcdSetColors(FgColor, ShColor);
00123             }
00124             int8_t current_value = value_old-1+x;
00125             char *label;
00126             if(current_value < 1)
00127                 label = "=>";
00128             else if(current_value > MENU_PROP_NOW.nr_values)
00129                 label = "<=";
00130             else
00131                 label = MENU_PROP_NOW.value_name[current_value-1];
00132             uint8_t w = glcdCharsWidth(label, 0);
00133             glcdMoveTo(SPACELEFT+21+x*DISP_PROP_W - w, 164);
00134             printf(label);
00136             //prop-name
00137             w = glcdCharsWidth(MENU_PROP_NOW.prop_name, 0);
00138             glcdFillRect(132 - 2*SPACELEFT - w, 163, 130, 174, BkColor);
00139             glcdSetColors(FgColor, BkColor);
00140             glcdMoveTo(132 - SPACELEFT - w, 164);
00141             printf(MENU_PROP_NOW.prop_name);
00142         }
00143     }
00144 }

void disp_refresh void   ) 

refreshes the display

00068                        {
00069     disp_menu();
00070     menu_mains[menu_now-1].disp_func();
00071     disp_prop();
00072 }

void disp_terminal void   ) 

displays a terminal

The terminal for the serial interface.

Testing necessary!
00201                          {
00202 //  if(glcd_Cursor.X < 5 || glcd_Cursor.Y < 16 || glcd_Cursor.Y > 162) glcdMoveTo(5,16);
00203     if(glcd_Cursor.X < 5 || glcd_Cursor.Y < 16 || glcd_Cursor.Y > 162 || glcd_Cursor.X > 100) glcdMoveTo(5,16);
00204     glcdSetColors(WHITE,BkColor);
00206     uint16_t rx_data;
00207     while(! ((rx_data=uart_getc()) & UART_NO_DATA)){
00208         //glcdPut(rx_data & 255);
00209         glcdDrawChar((uint8_t)rx_data);
00210     }
00211     while(! ((rx_data=uart1_getc()) & UART_NO_DATA)){
00212         //glcdPut(rx_data & 255);
00213         glcdDrawChar((uint8_t)rx_data);
00214     }
00216 //  if(glcd_Cursor.X < 5 || glcd_Cursor.Y < 16 || glcd_Cursor.Y > 162 || glcd_Cursor.X > 120) glcdMoveTo(5,16);
00217     //printf("%c",(rx_data & 255));
00219     //glcdWait(100);
00220 }

Variable Documentation

volatile double freq[4] = {0,0,0,0}

volatile uint8_t max[4] = {0,0,0,0}

volatile uint8_t mid[4] = {0,0,0,0}

volatile uint8_t min[4] = {255,255,255,255}

Reads the input buffer from the ADC. Searches for the best trigger point. Calls disp_drawGrid() to display the output.

Generated on Fri Aug 11 21:47:31 2006 for OpenOsci by  doxygen 1.4.6